Monday, October 8, 2007

Not for a week stomach

Remind me never to tell someone I don't have much too write .... I have had the most disgusting day ever!!!!!!!! Lets just say it doesn't matter if someone is crying a poopy diaper never ever gets left on the floor. I had just finished changing Ethan, Ava started crying so I went to grab her to calm her down. So 30 sec means a lot in some circumstances, this being one of them. So I'm not going to give details but Ethan, Penny and a messy messy floor. So gagging, what do I do first (laugh or cry???), I have a crying girl who wants to be held, a boy who needs a bath and a dog who needs to be put out and I really didn't need things to get messier. A yell at the dog gets her out of the room and into the kitchen, Ava set up with a couple of her favorite toys and the boy thrown in the bath. Then the floor cleaned :) whew. So you'd think that would be enough poop for one day wouldn't you, but alas Penny had to return the favor while I ran out to get the stroller to go for our daily walk so again Ava was set up with toys and Ethan again thrown in the tub. Oh ya and I got to clean the floor again and do a load of laundry.

So take a deep breath, nope no more poop stories for today. It's time to relax and take the dogs for their daily walk. It's rained on and off today, the walk started in an off portion of the day. But as my luck would have it today about half way through it poured and I mean torrential rain. I was soaked, the dogs were soaked and the Bambinos were dry and cozy in a blanket and rain cover. Ava was passed out by the time we got home and Ethan loved the rain.

Ok well Now for the fun we had today. Ava's my new hairdresser, she combed my hair for me this morning. We got out the air mattress and did some bouncing for some exercise seeing as the gym was closed and I was alone to walk the dogs. Which meant they wouldn't be able to walk(which as you read already wouldn't have happened anyway). So my photo's today are some them playing an the air mattress.

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