Monday, October 15, 2007

Presents from Connecticut

One of the benefits of having a dad who's a pilot is presents from all over :) This time it was submarines and the bambinos loved them. One you pull back on and it goes on its own, the second submerges and resurfaces in water. Ant got to play with them a little this morning and was off again. We're looking forward to the next couple of days he has a little time off.

One of the new things of the day is Ethan can now climb up on the couch. So he spent the morning sitting on the couch feeling cool. Every time I looked over at him he'd give me a side smile then start laughing. Ava has gotten very attached lately, which makes it hard to get anything done. At least she is very fond of hugs and being close which is nice.

1 comment:

jenny said...

hello i didnt know ant flew to conneticut which is cool grandad and i are really enjoying your blog submarines i thought you meant the eating kind lol hugs and kisses to all nannyxoxoxo