Friday, October 12, 2007

Mitts and Hats

Mitts and Hats, Oh happy walk LOL. My mission today was hats and mitts so in this cold cold town we can still walk the dogs. First of I have to get out of the house, a little help with laundry. Meaning everything in the basket needs to be pulled out and nothing is to be left folded in site. The clothes must be pressed as well so into the basket for a personal pressing. If they had napped at the same time today it would have sped things up. First Ethan and I got to spend some time together. The air mattress was leaning up against the wall and he learned about forts :) and how to play hide and seek. I'd count to 3 and he'd crawl into hiding, then poke his head out when I couldn't find him. Then he just went in and started playing. Then the switch Ava was up and Ethan was down. Ava was under the weather today, lots of cuddles and I love yous till I had to blow her nose for the umpteen th time. We had lunch alone maybe for the first time. Between the two of them today they napped from 10 till 2. That explains why I didn't get out of the house till 3, so much for getting out and about by 11 LMAO. What was I thinking ......

After finally getting out we did a little shopping for what else hats and mitts. I found some cute ones at Old Navy. Now whats really cute is the facial expressions ..................
Ava is not impressed that with mittens on she can't remove her hat. She has definitely learned to give dirty looks.


jenny said...

hello this is a test they look so unhappy in there hats lol

jenny said...

it worked i hope you get it nanny xoxoxoxo